School Uniform

The school uniform is black shoes or trainers, grey or black skirt or trousers, royal blue or white polo shirt, and royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan. Branded polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans are available to be purchased by card on our Schoolmoney system, or can be ordered via the school office if payment is by cash or cheque.  Children may choose to wear the summer uniform of grey/black shorts or a blue checked dress if they wish. We encourage comfort and therefore plain non-branded (no sports logo) joggers are permitted. 

Smart black trainers are permitted to encourage safe, active play at breaktimes.


The P.E. uniform is blue shorts, a white T-shirt or navy Huxley logo T-shirt, and trainers,. Since COVID we have kept the rule of coming in the PE kits on PE days as we feel this is easier for the children and less time consuming (for changing etc) for staff. School branded PE tracksuits are also available on pre-loved sale. 



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